Rights and Freedoms

Terrorism.. and confiscation of my right to travel.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

Rights and Freedoms: Terrorism and the confiscation of my right to travel

Terrorism and confiscation of my right to travel

Ahmed Seif Hashed

October 26, 2021


The tweet they are trying to use to offend.

I do not mean by it anything but to slander the dazzling corruption in Sanaa..


From several phones I received threatening messages

Any harm that happens to me, I bear the responsibility, “Ansar Allah” and no one else


Threats don’t affect me alone

But it also affects my family in Sanaa

The launch of the campaign of incitement by flies and members of the “Ansar Allah” group has begun on Twitter


I still receive on the phone a torrent of messages of threats, threats, obscenity, decadence, backwardness, arrogance and illiteracy against the background of my position on corruption, preceded by the incitement directed by the authority against me on social media.


The campaign of incitement and threats came against the background of my publications opposing the corruption of Al-Ghanima authority in Sana’a.


I may be compelled to appeal to the Security Council and the five countries

I live under many threats and pressures..

I hope this does not continue..


My gratitude to the owner of this invitation .. beautiful I will not forget ..

I love Aden.. my first love in Aden..

But Sanaa now needs me more..I will continue to fight this corruption and this thick darkness..


They called on Representative Ahmed Seif Hashid to leave Sanaa so that he would not be subjected to harm and to come to Aden to practice his activities freely, and we will work to provide housing and full protection for him and all members of his family.


To stay in Sanaa does not mean forfeiting my right to travel outside the control of the Sana’a authority.

I have the right to travel to any of the regions and governorates of Greater Yemen.

I requested to exercise this right probably three years ago, and my request was not granted.

I still adhere to this right, and I demand it as a citizen and as an MP because it is a constitutional, legal, humanitarian and moral right that I do not waive.


To Hussein Al-Ezzi.. Tell them:

First they fall brave

They apologize to the Yemeni people

Or at least apologize to Iqbal Al-Hakimi’s family!!


Shared with the public

I’m fighting my battle with corruption

I fight my battle with the big corrupt

Major violators of rights and freedoms in Sanaa.


From the margins of my diary:

“And in a moment of intense pain, as my friend Majid al-Shabi exhorted me to be patient; I remembered and quoted in an article, what I read in the novel Hanaminah (Snow comes from the window), where Fayyad says to his friend Khalil, who was urging him to be patient:

(But I am tormented, Khalil. Every night I am brought to the investigation, and every night I am flogged with whips, and when I pass out, cold water is poured over my body. They soak it well, like leather before putting it on the anvil, and beat it until it rips, and the flesh comes out with the whips, and it splatters on the walls They carry me in a blanket, and throw me in the cell… And again, after a day or two, after a week, I am taken to the interrogation and the torture process is renewed… I am Fayyad… I feel this because I know him, because I live with him, and because I am burning to stop him).”


The salary is less than a fifth of its purchasing power than it was before..

The wage strategy has been discontinued for many years… the price hike is increasing in an unprecedented manner, and the cowards are racing for our food and our mouths, and corruption is spreading like wildfire, and there is no one to tell it to stop, or be a little shy..

Many employees without salaries.

While some of them are receiving what they call “salary” for four or six months, above it and more than us, discounts and lack of modesty..

The threat of dismissal continues until it becomes a sword hanging over the stomachs and necks.

The majority is now working in a situation that resembles forced labor, but rather servitude to the de facto authority here and there.

The judges live with half a “salary” policy that is carefully practiced for more substitution and drowning in corruption, and systematic corruption..

Work in return for “charity” is complete slavery.. In fact, the slave used to obtain his power in the most intense stages of slavery..

Yemenis are now living more than slavery, with the insistence and diligence of the authorities of those they rule.


He wants me to talk about the aggression as it floods its market with its goods

He holds his forces within his limits

It burdens me with daily worries that prevent me from even breathing!!!


Bad intentions appear even after a while..

The National Security Agency was named after its competence.

The Political Security Service’s name also indicates its competence.

These days, the Security and Intelligence Service calls it “the whole thing”..!!

We are in front of a police authority that is taking shape and will interfere in every detail of our lives, from beginning to end.

The Security and Intelligence Service became a specialized authority, even in buying and selling.

His competences have become a general mandate, and in addition, he has full authority over all details.

Ok, what is the benefit of the other concerned parties if the entirety of the security and intelligence apparatus..?!!

This circular is contrary to the constitution, the law, and the jurisdictions.

They are driving us to hell.

We want a country.

Note: The document published about buying and selling real estate is correct and it was authenticated by its publisher before it was published


He called me while imagining that I was against the Prophet, so I understood him celebrating to heaven.. To clarify, I told him the following:

I’m just against blackmail

Against wasting public money

Against imposing illegal levies on people against their will.

Against the lavish celebration in times of war, poverty and hunger.

Against the politicization of the occasion and the use of religion in political recruitment.

Against vulgarity and the use of the Messenger in levying and imposing the sacred by force and dominance.


 Did I not tell you that they are not ashamed!!

Instead of holding accountable those who abuse and abuse power, occupy state institutions and turn them into private use and property, they go to terrorize those who expose corruption and threaten to hide our backs, we are the ones who expose it.

This great corruption weighs heavily on our chests and on this country that bleeds and dies under their feet.

 Is it squint in the eyes?!

Or are they some of this severe corruption that robbed life and toiled two or three generations?


They want to terrorize us so that we don’t talk about their corruption.. about their seizure of public institutions and their transformation into private use and property.. they use all methods to continue looting us with the justification of aggression..

You will not intimidate us if you crucify us on all the minarets of Sanaa.

They became the aggression condemning their heavy corruption on our tired souls and our stolen rights..

 Full text of the post:

In the book “The Orphan of Sorrows” by Taqiyyah, daughter of Imam Yahya Hamid al-Din, I read about the Turkish hospital in Sana’a, which the imam turned into a home for his wives, which became known as the House of Happiness.”

How does a public right turn into a private, and how does a hospital turn into a personal residence!!

What today is like yesterday, with a slight difference..

For the medical center of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Sana’a to turn into a personal residence for some of the group’s followers and their relatives among its supporters is something that reminds us of a recurring past.

It’s the same culture has not changed..!!

The authority of the spoils and the fed transforms the people’s property into shares to be shared by the power partners in Sana’a.. Yes, it is the authority of the spoils that removes the boundaries between the public and the private, and makes the ruler dispose of state and people’s property as if it were his private property.

It has analogues in the de facto authorities in more than one place.

We are still bound by the same culture.

The power of booty still rules us today..


“Yemenat” news site

MP Ahmed Seif Hashed’s websit

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Ahmed Seif Hashed’s Facebook page

Ahmed Seif Hashed

Ahmed Seif Hashed channel on telegram

Ahmed Seif Hashed group on telegram

موقع يمنات الاخباري

موقع برلماني يمني

صفحة احمد سيف حاشد على تويتر

صفحة احمد سيف حاشد على تويتر 2

حساب احمد سيف حاشد على الفيسبوك

صفحة احمد سيف حاشد على الفيسبوك

قناة احمد سيف حاشد على التليجرام

مجموعة احمد سيف حاشد على التليجرام

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