Rights and Freedoms

What does the state of Ansar Allah in Sana’a want from me? Abdul Wahab Qatran

Fabrication and fabrication of accusations.. Abdul Wahab Qatran

What does the state of Ansar Allah in Sana’a want from me?

Abdul Wahab Qatran

About three months ago, my Facebook pages were permanently disabled, and their contents were destroyed and burned, after the campaign of solidarity with those sentenced to death, our people at Tihama. An area of seventy bricks in our land in Hamadan was fenced off with armed army personnel and they built a room in the middle of the land. Completely, I lay in my house with the sleep of my eyes and left following public affairs, and I did not open a new account for me on Facebook, I realized that the right to speak is criminal and forbidden in Sana’a, but with that they continue to target and harm us and to sew and fabricate malicious accusations against us..

 About a month ago, they contacted me from the judicial inspections in Sana’a and informed me that the Judicial Council in Sana’a issued a decision appointing me as a judge in the West Amana court, and I had to start work. I replied to them by the judiciary as a letter, not a job, and the message of justice requires that the authority provide sufficient livelihood for the judge to prevent him from stopping what is in my hands People and he and his family are guaranteed to live in dignity, and I will not work with a half salary, two dollars a month, and I will not go manage my situation and hide above the backs of litigants, this is on the one hand. On the other hand, you had previously offered me seven years ago the position of head of the Western Court, and three years later as chief of the Secretariat of Appeal Court, so I apologized and refused, and my colleagues and I paid certain heads of appeal courts and heads of appellate divisions; Why do you deliberately marginalize, reduce and reduce me by appointing me to a judicial position as a partial judge, occupied by recent graduates from the institute?!

 Am I one of the free black marginalized class?

 The answer was to start work and then complain, i.e. extend and come back..

 In conjunction with their appointment as a partial judge in the Western Court, their security and intelligence apparatus prepared a fabricated file against me and referred it to the Head of the Specialized Criminal Prosecution in Sana’a on charges of supporting the aggression. The exceptional specialist is the State Security Prosecution, and two days ago, the Public Prosecutor referred the file to Prosecutor Khaled Omar for investigation and to act according to the law. I sent a lawyer before me to photograph the file, but they refused to photograph it for us!!

 Yesterday, I received an assignment from the Department of Investigations and Disciplinary Proceedings signed by Judge Ahmed al-Sharhari, head of the Judicial Inspection Authority in Sana’a, asking me to appear before the Department of Investigations and Disciplinary Proceedings..

 As a prelude to referring me to the Accountability Council and then issuing a decision to dismiss me from the judiciary and lift the judicial immunity from me, to lift the cover and enable the State Security Prosecution and the State Security Court to investigate and prosecute me before the State Security Court on malicious, false, fabricated, fabricated, sewn, exposed, and exposed charges that are supporting the aggression!!

 Who will investigate such authority of their security and intelligence apparatus and their exceptional prosecution to fabricate charges against me and prepare a fabricated file..

 The Judicial Council issues a decision appointing me to a small judicial position!!

 We are in front of a crazy oppressive dictatorial authority.

 Cut off the text in the order of charity, isolate me, raise immunity, imprison me and prosecute me, as this is an honor for me.

 The world is dual, what is your blink and your state, and the Arabs do not die unless they meet..

Abdul Wahab Qatran

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