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Unencrypted tweets.. Al-Hawiya TV channel to carry out dirty media tasks. Ahmed Seif Hashed

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Ahmed Seif Hashed

Al-Hawiya TV channel to carry out dirty media tasks


When the Al-Hawiya TV channel in Sana’a, affiliated with Muhammad Al-Imad, claims, with sheer lies, falsehood, that my brother is one of the senior leaders of the mercenaries, and that my uncles and cousins ​​are fighting on the fronts with the aggression and mercenaries, and that I work with the aggression as a mercenary, and that I have a relationship with its cells in Sana’a, as Muhammad Al-Imad claimed in A previous incitement episode, but it means a terrorist’s attempt to prevent my opposition to the authority of the booty in Sana’a, and even incitement to kill me, and inciting its demagogues against me.
The most important note that everyone should know is: The Al-Hawiya channel is entrusted with the dirty media tasks that Muhammad Al-Imad and the aforementioned channel on behalf of the “Ansar Allah” group, with cover and support from it..
Therefore, if I am exposed to any harm, I hold this group fully responsible, and I will not in any way give up my peaceful, constitutional, legal, humanitarian and moral struggle against this horrific group that uses its dirty tools against everyone who practices the peaceful opposition against it and exercises its legitimate rights..


Al-Hawiya channel, headed by Muhammad Al-Emad, says:
My brother is a mercenary leader!!
I dare him to even mention his name..?!!
I have a full brother in Sanaa without a job or a job..
My other brother is one of the heroes of the republic who brought down the royal siege on Sanaa in the sixties of the last century.
There is no other than them even from breastfeeding..!
The fault is not on Muhammad al-Imad, but on the one who gave the losers satellite channels and permits to practice the profession from the Ministry of Information in Sana’a and the authority of “Ansar… God” in it.


The broadcaster of Al-Hawiya channel, affiliated with Muhammad Al-Emad, says that I pretend to marry young men in my constituency.
Tell this loser:
I have not married my children to this day.. I wish for a group marriage..
I do not plunder or spoil, nor do I have a zakat body for people to marry.. My rights have been looted by “Ansar…Allah” to this day.


Al-Hawiya channel claims that it went down to my constituency in Qubaita.
The truth is, she did not go down and did not visit any village there.. She went down to another department.
My constituency stormed and looted “Ansar Allah” 37 homes and shops in Al-Abos
As for the arrests, there is nothing wrong with that.
And more than that, they turned our areas into smuggling crossings to strike and undermine national industries for the benefit of the influential people in the authority of “Ansar… Allah” in Sana’a, and the merchants affiliated with them.


The identity channel says that I did not visit my constituency?!
Doesn’t Identity and Authority in Sana’a know that I am prohibited from traveling or leaving the lands under the de facto authority in Sana’a?
I dare her to give me permission to leave.


Al-Hawiya channel asks citizens what projects I have presented to them?!
And I tell them: “If you are not ashamed, do whatever you want.”
Citizens in my constituency do not ask you for projects, for “the one who is missing something does not give it.” Rather, they ask you to return what you looted from their homes, and to remove the mines that you planted in their roads, which only killed innocent citizens and their sheep..


The identity channel does not distinguish between the tasks of local councils and the tasks of a member of the House of Representatives.
The media that does not differentiate between this and that is ignorant, failed, stupid and superficial
Where did these journalists come from?!
They deserve pity more than blame, criticism and correction.
We live in an era of triviality, triviality, and triviality media.
They got channels to play in.
I liked Abu Asim’s suggestion:
If they expel George Qardahi, he comes with us and gives good news, we give him the identity channel instead of what is lying down.”


The announcer on Al-Hawiya TV does not even know how to pronounce the word “Al-Qubeita”, which he claims to have visited.
Some of the people I met didn’t even know my triple name.
They reminded me of Adel Imam’s play “Sahih Ma Shafsh Hajja”.
We are in an era where cheating is very much a country.
I pity them.


We are talking about a rape of rights, while they are talking about a different kind of rape, a stark paradox.
We have been plagued by political illiteracy and miscreants deceiving people and distorting words from hypocrisy and interpreting them in a bad and suspicious manner..
“Each vessel, including exudes”..
Moreover, the dazzling corruption is not for a man to rape a girl or a woman.. Here we ask: Where are your minds exactly?!!
And society is a metaphor for calling it the parents as well.. We say our people are in Iraq, our people are in Palestine, our people are in Yemen, and our people are in Sana’a..
Then, censure of corruption in a harsh manner only disturbs the corrupt, their followers and their flies.
As for those on the front lines here or there, I only see them as victims of war, hunger, destitution, salary cuts, falsification of awareness and mitigating conditions.


They said I curse the mother
I don’t even know the curse
I see vulgarity as backwardness
Not worthy of a person
And in truth, do not get me dazzled
Nor all the scourge..


When they tell you behind the scenes: “We love you”
Meaning: “We will kill you.”
Early understanding of cunning.
Corruption does not show mercy to its mother.


It’s easier to kill than to fix it
It is even easier than this noise!!
This is how murderers and corrupt people talk to themselves


They will only support you to accomplish the project to divide and weaken Yemen
It is the most important goal of the war
Then they will bring you down and replace you with others
It’s the conspiracy against Yemen


We do not build schools!
We do not build cities nor pave streets!
We just rename it. And we loot it too


They talk about the judiciary
But they don’t talk about his salary
Did I not tell you that they are not ashamed?


We have come to a more stressful era.. an era that would not have been imagined.. an era more open, ugly and crude.. Maybe your name, affiliation, and loyalty will bring you luck, booty and monopoly, or deprivation and inferiority, that does not start from public office through promotion, and does not end with occupying high positions and the accompanying privileges and abundance, or narrowness and deprivation.
A blatantly bold covenant.. engrossed in the darkness of falsehood.. gives your inherent right to those who do not deserve it.. transcends your borders and beyond your seas, and usurps your rights with openness and wildness.. enslaves your rights through defiance and coercion.. he ruthlessly seizes what he has no right or Suspicion.. He generously gives you the rights of others who suffer deprivation of their due rights until they die of starvation, distress and strife..
They afflicted our names with everything abhorrent until they became a disaster that afflicts us and their owners, in a raging conflict of hateful racism, rancorous fanaticism, narrow interests, a bloody and horrifying history, and a monstrosity of a bloody consciousness, more than 1400 years old, and still extends with its ugliness and bloodshed to this day, and a curse that does not want to startle Or leave our lives and the lives of those who come after us.


A quick and succinct response to al-Jarmuzy Muhammad on Twitter:
I was against the war before it began, which you participated in dragging Yemen into, until one Yemen became fragments.
At the beginning of the war, I thought it was a national war, so it turned out to be a war of authority and state and smaller than it.. What happened in Dhahran al-Janoub and Hodeidah revealed to us the truth and the difference between reality and claim.
The continuation of cutting salaries and abandoning responsibility towards society, and even turning it into a source of levying more than its capacity at the expense of its basic rights, the further impoverishment of it, the appropriation of its sources of livelihood, the discrimination of citizenship, the infiltration of the public office, the deepening policy of corruption, the spread of horrific corruption, its protection from penalties, and the violation of The rights and freedoms of citizens, the sectarianization of religious events and the looting of the people in their name, and the use of religious events for political purposes, and other things revealed to us many, many, and in an unprecedented manner.
And about aggression, I wrote more than you, and when I saw that there was another aggression that was rampant and amplifying corruption and corruption under the title of aggression, I wrote to him a fifth.. Much of what I wrote was disrupted and hacked by you, not by the aggression.
Al Jarmozi Muhammad:
What is the role played by Ahmed Seif since the beginning of the aggression? ?
Did he seek his interests? Or do any kind of humanitarian work at least?
Did he benefit from an audience he trusted in mobilizing and preparing fighters who would deter aggression??
Was his pen and thought mocked in exposing the crimes of aggression??
Unfortunately, you chose a site that turned the public’s trust in you into discontent with you.


“Yemenat” news site

MP Ahmed Seif Hashed’s websit

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Ahmed Seif Hashed’s Facebook page

Ahmed Seif Hashed

Ahmed Seif Hashed channel on telegram

Ahmed Seif Hashed group on telegram

موقع يمنات الاخباري

موقع برلماني يمني

صفحة احمد سيف حاشد على تويتر

صفحة احمد سيف حاشد على تويتر 2

حساب احمد سيف حاشد على الفيسبوك

صفحة احمد سيف حاشد على الفيسبوك

قناة احمد سيف حاشد على التليجرام

مجموعة احمد سيف حاشد على التليجرام

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