
(1) The fifth series.. My father.. Ahmed Seif Hashed.. They are afflicted by unemployment, and today unemployment is an ongoing disaster

My memoirs.. from the details of my life

Fifth series

My Father

Ahmed Seif Hashed


They are afflicted by unemployment, and today unemployment is an ongoing disaster


After two years of our stay in Aden, the “Albes” company, in which my father worked, dispensed with a number of workers, and my father was among them..a great injury, and a fate greater than us..what calamity befell us, O God?! How unfortunate and unfortunate.. our fear of what is to come and the unknown is increasing and expanding!! My father lost his job, and there is no alternative to replace him, and no one can fill us with this fate, which appeared before us as a black hole, and a cosmic void that wants to swallow us and banish us into the unknowns of Hell.


There is no hope to help us, nor a glimmer of hope looming on the horizon.. gloomy in the sky, distress in the earth, and despair in the arteries.. there is no longer a source of income for us.. our conditions have worsened and deteriorated, and we have increased in need and poverty.. it was not in front of my father There is no choice but to take us back to our village, which is crushing misery and misery, prolonged suffering, and no light at the end of the tunnel.. How black is life when you lose your job, and your livelihood is cut off!


A terrible thing happened to us, and a double fatal happened to my father.. the tragedy of a family in which its Lord lost his limited income, and another family in the village is starving, with no income or compensation other than what my father sends.. A death sentence imposed on us by fate without any hesitation or respite..


My father wanders about on his face, looking for the face of God, perhaps he will find it.. The feeling of loss and loss of hope was harsh and even overwhelming.. I imagine the situation that a rock the size of a frowning planet was thrown by the sky on my father’s head, and we were killed with him that toppled everyone..


The options are limited and difficult. In fact, we have no choice.. No work or any opportunity to save our livelihood, and all you can think of is absent and non-existent help.. You are drenched in the sea, with no hand, no oar, not even a straw to hope for or hold. It has the grip of a drowning person.. We are all drowning in the lost, the unknown and the lands of lost..


My father brought us back to the village.. The injury and the pain became double.. Two families suffer from hunger, and everything in them is dear, and there is no hope waiting to save us from our miserable condition, and there is nothing left for my father but adventure and departure to exile; He is looking for another job opportunity to save us from misery and slow death.


This happened before the independence of the south from the British occupation.. the world narrowed in my father’s face and was devastated.. after we lost our source of livelihood and what we ate in Aden, we returned with my father to the village from which we came, like salmon that return from their exile to die in their hometown, but my father must. To continue wandering and searching for a job opportunity.. He must traverse land and sea; To find a job to earn money from, and there is no excuse for him to abandon his responsibility, even if our affliction and destiny are greater than everyone else’s… His destination this time was to “Berbera” in brotherly Somalia.


Today, my father, is worse than his afflicted yesterday.. What happened to us and Yemen makes our tragedy of yesterday, despite its greatness, look like the head of a pin in an ocean.. What we are witnessing today is an ocean of torment, death and ugliness..


We are in a time in which its calamities and ugliness have increased.. And what yesterday was a affliction that was capable of it, or a battle with the impossible, today has become disasters that exceed what the mountains can bear, and even the whole of Yemen cannot overcome it, and the world has gathered us, and poured over our heads, all its corruption. And his horror and ugliness..


The difference between yesterday’s misfortunes and the crowdedness of today’s disasters exceeds all possible and reasonable.. Today, in the seventh year, we are experiencing a fierce war, and an escape to further fragmentation and hell.. Multiple wars break out and erupt here and there with a thousand heads and warlords.. Yemen has become torn bits between them.. each nibble from it. What he could; And the most important question became: Where is Yemen?! The shocking answer comes from the reality of the situation: Yemen was here..!!


Lean years in which our people ate their insides, and the community ate each other, and fire ate most of it.. Bloody and horrific wars, crushing our people in length and breadth..a tragedy with a deep depth, length and dimensions that seemed to us as an ocean without sides, bays, or end..


You can imagine the scale of the disaster, and you see the currency deteriorating in an unprecedented manner, and even its purchasing power is disappearing in a catastrophic and frightening manner, without concern or a sense of responsibility on the part of the de-facto authorities immersed in looting, banditry and horrific corruption.


More than a million and a half employees, retirees, and beneficiaries have had their salaries cut, and the means of honorable livelihood cut with them, and the parties to war and conflict are colluding with each other to abandon responsibility for this number that supports nearly ten million citizens, who have become impoverished, destitute and destitute..


Unemployment increases every day, and may double every year, and the parties to the war practice a deliberate policy of impoverishment towards this afflicted people, and diseases and epidemics, famine, homelessness, and loss spread, just as war has killed this exhausted people for many years, and in our surroundings there is a savage world that does not care what we have reached From now on..


More than a million citizens kill each other in trenches and fronts, and even protect the borders of the aggressor.. usurping authorities and usurping land.. wasted human values, and the rights of a people are being harassed.. looting and collapse.. ignorant and warlords. Unprecedented.. what happened was more than described, and it was unimaginable and was not considered..


 A picture of my father in Berbera, Somalia

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