
(3) My dismissal from school.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

My memoirs.. from the details of my life


My dismissal from school

Ahmed Seif Hashed

I was dismissed from the Martyr Najeeb School in the center of Tur Al Baha for a period of probably two weeks or less, and this decision to dismiss was not specified at the beginning, and interfered with administrative and psychological pressure to make me confess what I had achieved, but I did not confess, despite the evidence..


I left the “Al-Wahda” school due to a curse that I inflicted on the school, so I angered the first teacher in the school, who left the table in front of him, and tried to catch up with me, but my legs were lighter than him, and I did not return to him nor to the school, and I cursed the school at the height of my excitement, She hit me alone, and no one else was hurt but me..


The difference is that my first departure was the most important cycle of momentary emotion, and stubbornness also had its role in not asking for revision, and my father was not enthusiastic about returning, and he preferred to study in a people instead of reviewing..


As for my two-week dismissal from the Martyr Najeeb School, in the first year of my preparatory school by the school director Abdo Ali Al-Zughair, it came in support of psychological pressure, in order to push me to confess and confess to myself and those with me, and most importantly, the accusation and dismissal came after patience and investigation is not without cunning And subtle..


Jamil Qaid Saleh was one of my dearest colleagues and friends at the Martyr Naguib School in Tur al-Baha.. We had great intimacy and perhaps harmony of horoscopes and omens.. We agreed to draft a leaflet, and white papers were bought, and they were divided into equal and noticeable scraps, and because my handwriting was more beautiful than my friend. I took over writing it.. I wrote what we agreed on.. Our defense was respectable, and what we wrote was disrespectful, and it included defamation and abuse, and these scraps were secretly distributed by both of us in the market and school halls.


The principal of the school was informed of some of those scraps that were found, and he may have sent someone to collect the rest of them.. The contents of them were absorbed, and their letters, words, handwriting and writing method were examined, and an effort was made to reach the knowledge of their writer.. The investigation continued for days I do not remember. Its number, or maybe a week has passed since it was written and distributed..


The investigation continued to be carried out with great care and secrecy, while my friend Jamil and I believed that the matter had been overcome, and not even the noise that we wanted to stand in front of what we mentioned in the publication, and we were not aware of any procedures that we envisaged from distributing it..


Perhaps what my colleague and I did was a reckless and even childish act, and I think that the director was wiser, and took full responsibility for what happened, and his investigation and concealment showed a high sense and responsibility on the part of the director that deserves appreciation. What was mentioned in the publication, even if what we did was not free from absurdity, and some of that may have been done, but it did not sleep to our knowledge, and his behavior was done in a right and wise manner, at a lower cost, and without noise.. Maybe the professor had all the right Director Abdo Ali Al-Saghir..


But how did the manager find out that I was the author of this post?! This question was roaming inside me!! I was bewildered before I knew what some of them had squandered, and some of them remain to this day..


I used to write lessons and answer homework questions by imitating the handwriting of my colleague Mustafa Al-Fadhili.. It was a beautiful plan with an attractive and captivating luster.. I was trying to imitate and imitate his beautiful and charming handwriting.. My colleague Mustafa was writing the letter (هـ) in a distinctive way that looks like two overlapping rings, one of them large. And the other one is small.. He used to write it with a different distinction.. I imitated him in writing it, and it was the loophole that revealed what he managed, or it was the thread that led to the evidence, if it was not the evidence itself..


While I was at seven o’clock in the evening writing my homework in the internal section, the school director faltered with whispered steps I did not hear their impact, and as soon as I raised my head after a few minutes, and looked up until I saw him standing and watching what I write while he was standing .. The truth did not occur to me that It’s about looking for the author of the publication!! I don’t know why he meant me in particular and not the others?! I don’t think it’s a coincidence!! I don’t know how his feet led him to me without anyone else!! That was my confusion throughout my ordeal..


Having checked the notebook in which I was writing, he took with him; Surprised, he said to me: Follow me to the administration?! The truth is that I didn’t know it was about publishing, I wondered that it fills my face, and I didn’t know that anyone would know my line maybe among hundreds of students!! I do not know how he chose me from among the dozens of students who were at the time reviewing their lessons in the internal department!! I do not know how he managed to reach the author of the post within days or a week at most, and without my knowledge or one of my friends knowing that he is looking for someone!! It was a question and an enigma for me..


I arrived at the headquarters of the administration, and the director greeted me with the calm and resolute reception of the investigator.. He was calm and very confident that I was the one who wrote the post, no one else! But he just wants to know who participated, pushed me, and incited me to write it?! He had a great certainty that I was the author of the publication, while I was denying, and I denied with diligence and persistence, although I appeared to be naked to the point of nakedness.. I may not be good at lying, but I am stiff in denial..


Through my insistence on denial, it was two challenges to him. He, too, wanted to hear confession from me personally, though everything became clear in his condemnation, and even in my hidden convictions which I had kept about him. And he proves to me that the letter (هـ) is similar between what is in the publication, and what is written in my notebook, and even in solving the task I was writing, while he was standing watching the words I am writing, then turning to some letters and words in order to surrender and acknowledge to him the details. He was waiting for my collapse or my surrender to confess, and his thinking had begun to be strong and palatable, and only denial would deny him, and I was already that denial..


I persisted with my boyish insistence that I was not myself, without thinking of providing any presumption or justification to support my denial.. “The one who is missing something does not give him”, and I was like that, and at the same time I knew that confession would lead me to many details, and that on top of what was required of me is Find out who subscribed to me..


I did not even try to defend myself by paying the accusation against her by pointing out that I am not the only one who writes the letter (هـ) in that way, and thus my colleague Mustafa Al-Fadli was called to the case of suspicion, although Mustafa did not know anything about what we intended and my colleague Jamil Qaid and I did.


I also saw the impossibility of throwing my beautiful colleague into the accusation circle.. I might feel that I would become a villain and a coward if I tried to throw my burden on my colleague and friend, with whom I had strong intimacy and distinguished companionship that I could not sacrifice, but she is the one who deserves the sacrifice, and at any cost dictated by my magnanimity, It has to be paid..


During my interrogation, he was trying to tempt me into confession to facilitate his findings, he even tried to tempt me that he would absolve me of any punishment, and would hold the partner responsible, be it one or more.. I felt that I would be without chivalry or manliness if I told him that I am not the only one who writes an (هـ) in this way, and I also felt that it was despicable to defend myself by mentioning the name of my friend Mustafa, who was completely innocent of what had happened.. I preferred to deny and exaggerate even though it was not in my favor..


There were many questions within me: Why was I the only one who was interrogated and no one else was investigated, including Mustafa Al-Fadhili, the most famous of his handwriting and writing the letter (هـ) in this way?! Why me specifically, while my colleague and friend Mustafa is the original and the creator of the original script, but I only imitate it?! How does the original get lost?! How did the principal know that this was exactly my line among the hundreds of students studying at the same school?! I didn’t know the principal had taken a student’s notebook to compare his handwriting to the post!! How did he know that I was the one who wrote the post about the possibility that there were more than a hundred students in the internal department?! I concluded that it couldn’t have been a coincidence?!


My denial was stubborn, and all attempts to intimidate and entice my manager during the investigation failed, including threatening to refer me to the criminal investigation center in the center, and he chose instead to dismiss me from school without specifying any period, and at the same time he obligated me not to leave the internal department, while leaving the door ajar to confess to him in Anytime I find my desire..


My class lasted for two weeks or less, and the most that I reached is that the “legalist” and he was entrusted with managing the cultural center, is one of the ones who found my publications and collected them discreetly and secretly with others from the center of the market and nearby squares..


Every day or two and sometimes three days, the school director would try to summon me, and check whether I intended or resolved to confess and return from denial, but to no avail.. After two weeks of failing to obtain a confession, neither on myself nor on anyone else, two weeks were satisfied as a penalty of dismissal. administrative, and brought me back to study, and the matter ended there.. Nevertheless, I acknowledge the wisdom and wisdom of this director, and the talent of a successful investigator, and more than that, he was a high-class educator..


He follows..


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