
(2) Hunger.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

My memoirs.. from the details of my life



Ahmed Seif Hashed

Although there is an internal section in the school, and dormitories for all its students, the food was bad, and lacked improvement, in addition, it was few, and it does not satisfy our stomachs, and the number of students is in the hundreds, and some of them do not catch up with their scheduled meals, due to the exhaustion of the amount of cooked food before the completion of Distribution of the meal to the last student..


The queue for the meal was long, and sometimes there was a fight between some of the students because of the crowding, or some of them tried to advance by bypassing their positions in the lunch queues.. Sometimes when I couldn’t catch the dinner, I had to go to the trees called (diman) around the school To feed my hunger, sometimes my dear friend, Muhammad Abdul Malik Husayn, with whom I have unforgettable memories, I will touch on some of them later..


Sometimes I would go to a nearby state farm, to study under the lush shade of its trees, and pick some limes to use on the beans, and that gave us a double appetite, while the food was little, and a little lemon became savoury, we complete the prescribed meal, and find that it does not fill half of what you need. our stomach…


In the first year, we came in the season of planting jingle trees, and we were starving at night when its heavy hours reached us, and on our empty stomachs that were eaten by predatory hunger. Our faces screamed and hunger stings, while desertification was surrounding us, except from a farm located within twenty minutes of walking..


The dried sesame tents extended to areas that we, the young ones, were not accustomed to seeing, and we were like birds that saturate their small crops with a lot of harvest, or reduce the poverty that afflicts us, steals our sleep at night, and exhausts us throughout the day..


The farm was not enclosed or enclosed, and its enclosure was open, and safety was safety, and what we reaped is not worth mentioning, rather it does not exceed what quenches our hunger, relieves the tremor of our hands, and gives our feet, stunned by hunger, some steadfastness and resistance; Were we thieves at that time?! Or was it some of the project rebellion?! Or is it the necessity of quenching hunger?!


Between normality and criminality is a simple thing that sometimes identifies with what is around it, so that we hardly see it or do not distinguish it with those around it, and we are sometimes confused as crime became confused with others with “Raskolnikov”, the hero of the novel Crime and Punishment, by the Russian novelist Dostoevsky, with the difference that our motive was more severe, And our crime is less if we consider it a crime… However, decades later I ask myself: Were we straight or criminals?!


What we were doing was similar in the way to what the thieves do, but we would have done it only out of a motive that we see as necessity.. Then did they not say that “hunger is an infidel” .. Didn’t some of them say “if poverty was a man, I would have killed him”, so what when the two of us gathered together..!!


Hunger is more severe than infidelity.. and perhaps infidelity in reality is not what many see!! Some of them called each other “sweet infidelity” and others said about each other “disbelief of grace” and “grace” here is still a consideration.. There is a plurality of disbelief without open disbelief, and open disbelief has a Lord who punishes its owner..


Why do the issues of hunger and poverty, despite their tyranny and continuous expansion, do not occupy the awareness of those who make them with the same amount, level and breadth of importance as they are in reality?! Why this imbalance that affects consciousness, so this pandemic tyranny of hunger is confronted with small and humiliating aid, the owners of which recover the price of its double by a thousand means and ways?!


Why do religious and group elites falsify awareness and concepts, distort issues, and deviate from the paths of justice, even though they see with their own eyes the poverty, hunger and famines of the world, and with it all this tyranny. Even worse, it wants to oppose and fight all of that with what it calls zakat or “charity”..


Why do religious and political groups in Yemen abandon their war-afflicted people?! Why do they abandon their moral responsibilities and legal obligations as de facto authorities, which dictate to them the duty of responsibility, each according to the population and society under their authority?!


It is the duty to pay the salaries of workers and employees in the administrative apparatus of the state, and also the retired, and the beneficiaries of social security, and everyone who suffers from hunger and the famine has killed them in a war that has deepened its ugliness..


The most insolent is that these groups, whether religious or political, or both, are now giving up almost all state functions, and are turning resolutely to the horrific policy of looting and corruption, pouring all the attention towards levies and royalties, doubling taxes, humiliating their people and wasting everything that is at the core of their rights and dignity..


They trade in homeland and blood, engage in looting and corruption, and beg for food from countries of the world, then try to profit and profit from this beggary without shame, and more than it they talk arrogantly and rudely about pride, dignity, values, morals and good morals..


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