
(5) In prison!.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

My memoirs.. some of the details of my life


In prison!

Ahmed Seif Hashed

While I was in the custody of the soldiers, one of the injured’s relatives rushed, I think his cousin, probably his name is Talal.. He is tall and well proportioned, and his complexion is lightly tan.. The first thing he saw was shocked by my appearance.. I looked without expecting it or without what he had imagined. .. He found me in front of him a small dwarf who did not carry anything worth comparing with his injured cousin .. He shouted in the face of those who were present with wrathful anger: “We cannot accept ten of this”?! Perhaps he was right if we look at the matter in his measure.. Indeed, my appearance was a dwarf, exhausted, pallid, stray, frowning, wretched, while his injured relative was frustrated. And the color of his eyes and his body, which is hoarded in flesh and grease.


I watched some of what was happening.. the preparation of the detention order.. the military was keen that I would not escape or escape.. the soldiers watched as I read my frowned, silent face.. I saw ambiguous questions in the faces of some of the attendees.. I felt the presence of words that the eyes of the eyes wanted to say. But they turned it around for reasons that might belong to them.


Observe the written direction of the detention order.. Handing over the detention order to the detention officer.. Take me to the detention room.. Opening the lock and chains.. Opening the door to the detention room.. Instructing me to enter.. Closing the door with chains and the large lock.. I felt that I had committed A terrible and terrible thing.


It was the first time I was imprisoned..a bitter experience in which I entered for the first time..a dense feeling of the constraint of freedom with walls, walls and iron..the detention room was five meters long or less, and two meters wide, maybe a little more, and a small window clasped with iron.. I felt that I was entering a stage The darkest in my life, and I must prepare and prepare for the worst.. I felt that a bad unknown awaits me, I do not know exactly its details and its end..


The detention room was empty and there were no lockers other than me.. Perhaps the occasion of the visit and the guests required that.. Perhaps some prisoners were transferred to the center building located on the Tur, or there was another prison in the center building..


I wished that Salmin and Abdel-Fattah would visit the detention room..I might see them closely..Maybe they might visit the corridors of the place or even visit the officers and soldiers stationed there, but unfortunately this did not happen..and instead of what I wanted to watch from the splendid flights, and hands and stop waving greetings and peace to us , I began to gaze at a gloomy ceiling and dumb walls..No nothing but scribbles and memories of prisoners on those bare walls..I wanted to have a magic pen, or a piece of coal, or even a nail I scribbled in, and write my memories and the date of my imprisonment on the wall of the wall, to tell the new inmates Or those coming after a while: we passed by here, and we stayed for a while.


Coincidentally and unfortunately, my mother was ill and was lying in the same hospital where the injured person was treated. In fact, the brother of the victim was the director of the same hospital.. I began to worry about my mother.. How will she be treated after my action that took blood from the brother of the hospital director?!! Perhaps they will expel her, they may harm her, or they may poison her as a medicine or a drug, and avenge for their affliction will take place against my mother, who is in the hospital for treatment.


An hour or more after the end of the speech, the criminal investigation officer summoned me.. they brought me to him.. I watched the knife on the table with interest as it was a crime instrument.. the investigation officer ordered his clerk to open the report, and he recited an introduction that made me feel that the matter was grave, and that I was walking down a road. The court, and the imposition of a penalty beyond my ability to bear..


After questioning and answering and acknowledging what was witnessed, and confronting me with the knife as the tool of the crime, and after establishing the facts and details that I had narrated, which do not differ from what happened in reality, the officer ordered to return me to detention. Stable and reliable..


After I was taken back into custody, a man from the Popular Forces, named Abdul Wahab from the “Ghoul” area, came out of the door and his origins go back to “Al-Qubeita” from which he and his brother Abdul Hamid came, or perhaps their two sons brought them from a time apart, and they became permanent residents in the area.” The southern ghoul..


His look was like an angel who offers me help without asking.. Like a cloud of rain and rain for help.. Mercy coming from a destiny that cares and does not forget who he loves.. Like Jacob who loves his son Joseph.. Like Abraham, the father of Ismail, but without a knife, no ransom, or sacrifice.. He gave me a bed and a blanket. I might try to provide it.


Abdel-Wahhab was working in the same place that was separated from the detention a few meters.. I looked with his smile, which eased a weight that I could not bear, those of recent age.. His smile gave me the reassurance and serenity that I needed most.. His sweet talk made me feel that I knew him from Longer than my short life..


After an hour, I felt exhausted.. I felt sleep falling and relaxing my exhausted eyelids, and the fading weighing on my tired eyes.. I surrendered to sleep and fell into a deep sleep.. I woke up a few hours later!! I got up as if I was crazy, or as if a goblin stood over my head.. I was taken aback and amazed as I asked: Where am I?! where am I?! After a while, I gathered the scattered pieces of my flying awareness, and I recovered the image of reality, and I realized that I was imprisoned, that I had committed a crime, and that there was an injured victim, who might be threatened with death.


After waking up and sleeping, I began to adapt to the situation I live in.. I went back to sleep and then got up a few hours later, and I became aware of my new situation and condition, and perhaps I seemed ready to adapt, and some of the anxiety that was sweeping me in an overwhelming manner at the beginning has disappeared..


My brother’s companion, Saeed Abdul-Wali, went from Tur Al Baha to the village.. Inform my brother of what happened.. My brother came from the village to the Tur Al Baha center the next day, and fortunately for me, the stab was not deep, and my brother was respected and appreciated by the officials in the district center, especially Muhammad Taher, the commissioner of the center, and “Ba’ali” the organizing official in the center, and that I have always been a juvenile, and for these considerations, I was released under the guarantee of my brother, however, I was summoned and arrested by the research official more than once, and in one of them, I and the injured were arrested together after he was cured From his injury, the case was resolved and her file closed.


As for my mother, nothing happened to her, but she was terrified and terrified, after she learned from some of my fellow students about what happened.


What happened was reckless, reckless, and miscalculation at an age in which I was still a juvenile, and my feeling of alienation, repeated provocation, and a feeling of transcendence by what seemed to me to be a gang led me to an act that I regretted and learned from.


I also regretted not being able to see President Abdel-Fattah Ismail..After a period of perhaps months, I was shocked by the news of the overthrow of Salmeen, who was loved and popular with many simple people, including the good man Abdel-Wahhab, while Abdel-Fattah Ismail’s popularity was mostly elite, and his stature and prestige For the educated…

The question remains: Why does politics spoil the relationship between those we love?! Is it the world and power, or the absence of reason, and the lack of wisdom?! Is it the presence of recklessness and recklessness, or lack of experience..?! Perhaps the reasons are complex and overlapped with each other?! The cycles of violence that the south witnessed had disastrous results that toppled one after the other until they managed to overwhelm everyone, burdened society unbearably, and distorted what was supposed to be beautiful and exemplary.


 He follows..

  • Photo from the archive of “Al-Ayyam”


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