
The day I pooped a snake – Ahmad Saif Hashid

The Reality That Was - My Memoirs - Ahmed Seif Hashid


The day I pooped a snake

 Ahmad Saif Hashid

Our villages lacked much of what we need or resort to..there are no health clinics or medical facilities..there are no laboratories that can detect our ailments and diagnose our diseases, even minor ones..there is no such thing as health awareness, and we have no such thing as a doctor’s instructions..it was often Reliance on health in God, and health often deteriorated and our tricks were guided from disease.. The possible was few and not extensive, or it is in the rule of less and less for those who have some space and ability..


The treatments available in the “shops” were no more than the number of fingers on one hand; These are “Aspirin”, “Aspirin”, “Abu Fez”, “Al-Mustalitam” and “Sunnah Drink”. This is all we know about the treatment that is sold, and we were familiar with it in those days.. This was all our pharmacy that we resort to and resort to whenever the cold strikes us. Or cold, fever, headache, joint pain and squeaking bones.


As for cautery, or what we call “stigmata,” it is used to treat some diseases that did not respond to the usual treatment, or were intractable at that time and place… if the patient was unable to obtain a doctor and appropriate medication; Ironing is the last treatment, and perhaps not the last, and there are preferred ones.. Perhaps there are multiple and “stigmata” moving around in the same body in search of healing, even if body deformities are left accompanying their owners until the end of life. Or waiting for the sick person to die.


As for what we call “yolk” and jaundice, one of the blood vessels under the tongue was cut.. As for the surgeon, we used trees to heal through a resinous substance found in the “apky” tree.. And there are some plants and other trees that can be resorted to for other diseases he is accustomed to. People are like “sutures”, for example, to break up or stop the growth of kidney stones or help them out.

We did not know the vaccine or the vaccine except once, it came to us through the school, and it was against smallpox.. I still carry a “mechanism” on my forearm to this day.. We used to feel that we were living in a remote part of this world that is difficult even to our imagination in those days..


The doctor, whom my father used to call “the wise,” is only found in a remote area. We did not resort to him unless the disease reached its level, and the symptoms became so severe that we were afflicted by him.. But we often did not resort to him unless the situation allowed and the disease had afflicted us.. We were resisting. Our diseases, or we often live with them until necessity calms us down or motivates us, if there is enough time to go to the doctor who is miles and leagues away from us..


The two times I was taken to the doctor in the village; The first was to the “Thabab” area and the second to a clinic in the Shaab area of southern Yemen.. This was when I suddenly had shortness of breath late at night in a condition that resembled “asthma” or was so.. In both cases, my ambulance was carried out on the back of a donkey..


In our villages, we used to live with our diseases or they coexist with us, and as soon as the disease calms us down, we can look for a trick or a doctor, or we go to the city for someone who has the ability and capacity.. Most people did not reach a doctor or a city.. We used to live with all the “fears.” Poverty and disease used to burden us, and they took us every way.


We went to Al-Khamis market, me and my cousin Salem.. We resolved to escape, and we actually fled to the “Al-Rama” area to seek refuge with some of his relatives there.. Our action was like a humanitarian asylum we sought.. On the way to our escape in the “Ataba” I saw the mountains moving quickly.. I tried I rubbed my eyes and looked closely at what I saw, and I found that it seemed certain, and I even saw it running at an amazing speed..


I asked my comrade Salem, who is fugitive with me, does he see what I see; He answered me that he also sees what I see and all the mountains around us are moving fast.. We talked and agreed that what we are seeing is reality and not imagination.. It seemed to us as a heavenly revelation and a great revelation that God gave us.. Dizzy and we live in moments of dizziness.. We arrived at Al Rama. Some of his family greeted us with dread and fears about the reactions of our people.


During my childhood I suffered from dizziness, fatigue and loss of appetite.. I suffered from weakness, exhaustion, exhaustion, and malnutrition.. Abdominal pains that were severe at times, colic and some intestinal disorders that plagued me from time to time..


Sometimes I suffer from vomiting, diarrhea and flatulence..Sometimes I feel the need to defecate for a long time or return to defecate after a short time, and then I see nothing but a little abscess that oozes and a little stool that looks moldy and mucus and smells bad and penetrating, and we called this case “Uzz,” I’ve always had, and I’ve also had itching around the rectum and anus, and I’ve always found worms running on the edge.


I looked exhausted and suffered from my diseases and tried to live with them, and most of them were due to the lack of healthy food and before that clean water.. During bleeding seasons, especially severe ones, the water that we brought from wells and drank was mostly sour and smelled bad, and we have no alternative or inevitable to drink it…


We were living in a struggle for life and survival, and some of what kept us alive was at the same time bringing disease or causing it… Destinies that imposed their will on us without question, forced living, and the absence of an alternative.. “Your brother is forced, not hero.”


Anemia was inherent in my childhood, or this is what I learned later.. and more than that, we were settlements of creatures living in us against our will.. I felt that my stomach and intestines had turned into a settlement of many and varied worms.. I saw worms in my stools of more than one type and Faisal, but that On one occasion, the surprise was so great that it exceeded my imagination and endurance, and even my imagination.


My father was getting wet in an amphitheater in the mountain, and my aunt Umm Abdo Farid was not far away, and I was peeing nearby.. I went to defecate and instead of faeces I saw something coming out of my intestines through the anus..a white object that looked like a snake.. I asked myself A moment of confusion and confusion: a snake lives in my stomach… What does it do and how does it live?! I am now in a moment vulnerable to being stung.. I have experienced moments of confusion that are beyond my imagination!! I struggled with myself, and my shyness tried to help me be patient…but what happened was bigger than me and my imagination!


I lived moments of ordeal, confusion and great panic.. I continued with my dysentery to get it out, but it seemed to me that the snake was getting longer, and my patience was running out, while that stuck organism continued to expand.. Its end reached the ground while it was still hanging from the anus, expanding and lengthening, and I do not know its other end where it extends. I imagined that it was bigger than my intestines.. I felt more fear, panic and turmoil..


I tried to bear it, so that this strange creature might come out without happening what seemed to me like a scandal.. If I screamed and people knew my story, it might follow me for the rest of my life. To know the end!!


My patience ran out and the matter exceeded my endurance and imagination and the experience of a child who is still not aware of a situation like this, but I did not know anything of this that affected others, whether old or young.. I had never before experienced a similar experience and in this way of gravity that seemed to be greater than me.. The experience and the moments were The confusion is awful for a child like me.


I was terrified before the sound.. I ran out screaming flying in every direction, “Hanash.. Hanash.. Hanash…” and panic was sweeping me from my head to my five feet.. My screaming preceded my running with the range of the sound..


My aunt hurriedly rushed towards me, and tried to find out, and as soon as she knew my story, she pulled that creature out, saying, “Qalalit.. Qalalit.” I did not know this name. And Makhbour.. I continued to calm down from my panic and panic, and my shyness and my great shyness that overwhelmed me and was intensifying with my passing moments..


I saw the worm from my height as a snake on the ground, perhaps breathing or showing slight movements, my fear calmed and in return I became more ashamed of myself than ever before.. I felt that my shyness swallowed me.. I wished for a moment that the ground on which I was standing would swallow me so that no one would see me, and I knew That I needed a little patience to be able to get rid of that creature that terrified me, then I ask about him and what happened to me, and I know everything by answering a question..


What happened exceeded my years and my experience, and it was the first time that I fell in this way that made me feel that the mountain had monitored everything that happened to me and saw it with its own eyes, while my father knew the matter and was laughing in a voice that increased my shame and embarrassment even more.. Moments of shame are like scandal..


Fortunately, my peers, children, did not know my story, otherwise my scandal would have been on everyone’s lips, and it might have prompted me to commit suicide or to flee away from my village to a remote place where I live far from what I lived and saw. I laugh at him, and more than that, I realized that the extent of awareness or its growth can change our view of many things and concepts, including the “flaw” that we have always lived with.


These various worms, small and large, were subsisting on my food and what was in my stomach.. They shared my right to live and life, and even felt that they were feeding me.. When I grew up and read, I knew that that snake was the “Ascaris” worm, and it is also called the “belly snake.” Its length is approximately 27 cm, and the height of its life for him ranges from two to six years.



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