
(2) Revolutionary leftist extremism.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

My memoirs.. from the details of my life


Revolutionary leftist extremism

Ahmed Seif Hashed

The stage in the south during that period was extreme leftist and revolutionary, and in the best cases, it was not without tendencies of recklessness, extremism, and excessive enthusiasm. The “transportation” students were when they were traveling in open-topped Landerovers to school in the courtyard, or on their way back, And with them were some citizens, chanting revolutionary slogans, but some of them were of a provocative nature and were not free from the exercise of coercion against those who were conservative about what was happening, or had a different opinion about it.. The chants were not without moral oppression, arm wiping, and perhaps even terrorism against those who did not announce it. His support for the declared revolutionary political trend..


Some of those chants were claiming for themselves or their owners the right and the right and monopolizing the truth, and they practiced exclusion against those who differed with them.. chants that do not accept diversity and plurality of opinion, and do not deal with the other opinion, and are accustomed to dividing people into “for and against”, and thus practice their incitement that reaches a limit Terrorism of the silent, whom you describe as negative..


It is a totalitarian and extremist position that sums it up “you are either with us or you are against us.” The position of the silent or hesitant was described as negative, a position that does not appeal to some who consider themselves revolutionaries armed with revolutionary awareness, and the negative people are terrorized and threatened to strike them in the future with an iron fist..


Among those chants that still stick in my memory:

“Woe, woe, my negative, from our violent blow

And the hidden is revealed, and the stages are long.”

Another chant that groaned in me, and left an administrative trail about those around me saying: “Knock the sheikhs.. Knock them.” Perhaps the reason was because my mother’s brothers in the north were affiliated with the “Sheikhs” category, although their circumstances were very modest and perhaps miserable.. There were no important social differences that distinguished them from the general public, or at least in relation to the average among them..


I remember that my uncle, my mother’s brother (Ali Salem-Dabal) used to borrow and borrow some money from my father, who is also in a tight and unaffordable condition.. My grandfather, my mother’s father, was known for his asceticism and humility, and he worked for his life at the expense of his worldly life, and most of his time was in seclusion reciting the Qur’an. In his office or in his room to draw near to his Lord, hoping for his mercy and paradise. However, this did not excuse him from the extremism and recklessness of the left in the south, when he went to Aden for the purpose of receiving treatment; He was forcibly hidden, and there has been no news of him since then, and we no longer know anything about him to this day..


And between the past and the present, the extremists were similar in their excessive enthusiasm, and their claim to monopolize the truth and right, and what we lived through in the years of this war and what we still live in, and what we suffered in it from childishness, extremism and racism, witness and science, reminding us of everyone who sees that life is only in two colors black and white.. Their life does not accept that Be neutral or take a different position from their alignments, or even be against the parties to the conflict together.. The same is also said about the stance of the war and conflict parties regarding issues and rights of opinion and expression..


We are suffocated by this closed extremism in the face of pluralism and diversity.. Each party in the war wanted to drag us to its polluted swamp, and even wanted to carry us and plunge us into its swamp until it reaches its bottom. The homeland is the experience of his father, and even sees himself as the homeland as he imagines and believes..


Over the years, many illusions began to unfold, but at the cost of a homeland that has become torn and wasted.. It is the time of frivolous and extremists and the poor outcomes of this war, which is full of ugliness, conspiracies and hatred, and burdened with destruction and severe devastation..


Extremism is a danger not only to the different and the different, but to reason, logic, wisdom, pluralism, diversity, and harmony.. a danger to the people, society, and the future.. The policy of “whoever is not with us is against us” is a terrifying and destructive policy for peoples, nations, and the future we aspire..


Extremist religious groups divide people into two camps only, and some religious movements such as the Houthis became brutalized and became, after enabling, hostile to those who are not with them, describing him as a traitor, a mercenary or a hypocrite who must be subjugated to their own and small project, or crushed by their valor, oppression and terrifying power, while other political groups, on the other hand, became radicalized, and became lost With the aggression and occupation until it became the carrier of its agendas and its executor at the expense of the country and its future.


And back to what I was about: I studied middle school at the Martyr Naguib School in Tur al-Baha in the mid-seventies, specifically from the year (1976 – 1978), if memory does not betray..


I lived in the (internal section), and quite a few children from the neighboring northern regions attended this school and resided in its internal section, and the state of the south provided them with food in addition to housing.. Rather, the principal of the school from the north was Abdo Ali from Qubeita Al-Akroub, and Hassan Muhammad Ali was Her political deputy was from Qubeita Sobeih in the north, and the official of the cultural center was from Ma’bak or Sawalha in the north..


The reason we went to the south to study was either because there were no preparatory schools in our tired countryside, or for political and social reasons that prompted us to go to study in this southern school, which we do not forget, no matter how many days and years have passed..


In general, the state of the south – the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen – had the merit that we will not and will not forget and will not neglect. We were in dire need of education, and without it we preyed on ignorance and robbed us of absence, and perhaps our loss was a possibility, if not by the emphatic and sure ruling.. In this regard, there is nothing wrong with Recalling the words of the poet Al-Mutanabbi:

If you honor a decent human being his queen *** And if you honor a mean person, he will rebel against you.


He follows..

The photo is recent and transferred to a southern event in Tur Al Baha

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