
(5) Despite the cruelty.. A capable professor.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

My memoirs.. from the details of my life


Despite the cruelty.. A capable professor

Ahmed Seif Hashed

My first teacher is Professor Al-Mohab Ali Ahmed Saad, who planted me in Khaizana until I bled and my feet were sore from him.. We may take it from him that his educational methods in punishing his students were wrong or excessively severe and harsh, but on the other hand we can say: “If it was not him, he would not have We were.” He was firm and strict.. He was good at teaching and understanding.. He did not compromise the lesson and did not detract from it.. He was the teacher who taught us all the subjects on his own.. And more than that, he started teaching us before the “school” existed, whose classes began to be formed with his steadfastness. He continues to teach us without hesitation or interruption.


The beginnings are arduous, and with difficulty he was able to establish the course of an educational edifice almost out of nowhere.. He has the first credit for saving us from horrible ignorance, we would not have been able to get out of his caves and basements without him.. Ignorance perched on our people and villages for a long time.. For us, this professor was a fortune teller. Happiness and good fortune that showed us the light, and guided us to the doorstep of the gate of knowledge and knowledge.


Professor Ali Ahmed Saad continued to teach us until about 1970 before he left us after years of giving work and residence in the city of Taiz.. He left a great void that was filled by some of his first intelligent students who took over our teaching after him.. He planted and the harvest was deserved..


He left us and established an educational edifice that cherished us from absolute and certain ignorance.. He established an integrated curriculum from the first to the third grade of primary school.. We learned the foundations of reading, writing, arithmetic, social sciences and sciences.. A large number of students studied under him from the people of villages and nearby and neighboring regions and even some Remote areas and villages.. It was like a bird that nursed its young until they became able to fly and fly high..


It is interesting that he left for most of us nicknames that have dominated our names for many years, and we still mention some of them, and some of them are still alive today, such as: Al-Tunaiz, Hofer, Al-Ma’ard, Kabrit, Al-Bulbul, Qardi, Al-Matit, Al-Zanat, Al-Najashi, Al-Maqroor, Al-Malhous, Al-Tabilah, Al-Zaidi, and Malit.. We forget the names and remember the nicknames.. What is the reason for those labels that he gave, and on what basis did he choose them and give them to us, but the funniest thing is that some of them lived with us, and some of us left, and their nicknames remained alive and distinct even after the departure…


Despite the cruelty of this able professor, he is credited with our first education, and in the modern method whose mainstay was the notebook and the pen.. reading, dictation, arithmetic, science and literature.. we came to us at a moment when we were in dire need of the education absent from us.. without him, perhaps ignorance would have been He afflicted us, and he clasped us with both his hands, and tyrannized us for a lifetime.. Without him, I might not have reached and evaded the simplest public job in the state.. Without him, many of us would have been unable to do more than heavy misery and herding sheep..


He went and left us a basis of knowledge on which to build knowledge in the coming years and days.. He went and his knowledge, his teaching and his beautiful favor.. He left us and left a small library and a black box that he was sitting behind with the giving of the teacher and the venerable professor..


We inherited some brochures that were stored in his cupboard.. I remember taking a brochure entitled “Dimensions of the Yemeni Revolution” by Abd al-Rahman al-Baydani.. I remember that I memorized a number of pages from it at that time despite my young age, and when I was reviewing what I had memorized from it, a teacher or a teacher heard me The old students who were studying and who was surprised that I memorized some paragraphs of its pages by memory..


This professor promised me that he would bring me the story (The Black Panther), a children’s story and I was eager to read it, until he brought it to me on the third day of his promise, perhaps the first gift I receive in my life..


I did not know that I had to read it to the end to be pained by its facts as a story.. I thought that what was required of me to memorize it by heart as I did in some pages of Al-Baydani’s book, it was difficult for me to memorize them, and I failed to memorize some of its pages, and my joy turned into failure and some misery.. I evade the teacher who gave it to me so that I do not appear to be unworthy of what he gave me, and I did not realize that memorizing it was not required.


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