Unencrypted Tweets

Unencrypted Tweets 1-14.. Stop bragging.. you destroyed us.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

Unencrypted Tweets.. Ahmed Seif Hashed

Unencrypted Tweets 1-14

Stop bragging.. you destroyed us

Ahmed Seif Hashed


Do not brag about the stability of the dollar as long as we pay twice their prices for commodities.


Sanaa boasts that it has stability in the price of the dollar, which is less than 600 riyals, but what is happening in reality reveals a strange and even terrible paradox.


Smuggled medicines are sold in Sana’a, which was explicitly revealed today by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Abd al-Salam Hashoul, before the House of Representatives. More than that, he revealed that the prices of these medicines increase in Sana’a every two years. Or three months remarkably or importantly.


Smuggled medicines mean that whoever sells them in Sana’a gets huge illegal sums from which the citizen does not benefit, because the owner does not pay taxes, but sells them as if he paid taxes and legally, and does not even pay a provision for smuggling risks.. and where are these supposed risks as long as everything is running smoothly and possibly sustainably.



Moreover, the smuggler or the smuggled party benefits every two or three months from the increase in the prices of goods in the market, especially medicines, without justification for this rise.


But the most important paradox is that the dollar price is fixed or stable, while the price of medicines rises every two, three or even six months, and the burden of this increase falls on the citizen alone, and for the benefit of people or entities that benefit from the huge price difference. It is still increasing year by year.



This means, among other things, that the great difference is that we, the citizens, and only those who pay the price, which destroys the myth of the success of the dollar’s stability in the market, as long as we pay this constant difference between the price of the dollar in the market and the difference in the price at which commodities, including medicines, are sold in Sanaa markets and others.. and judge this a lot..

They waste on the people the taxes of the public treasury, which is an entitlement that people pay for that, and the blood of their hearts goes to the benefit of smugglers and smugglers.

On top of that, the people pay the price difference, which unjustifiably increases every two or three months..or even a whole year..



For this reason, we find that the citizen in Sanaa did not differentiate with him, as he does not benefit from the stability of the dollar price as long as he buys medicine at a double price, Rather, the beneficiaries are from two sides: the smugglers or the smugglers.


The most important question remains:

Who dares to smuggle in wartime?!!

Who would dare to safely sell smuggled medicines in Sana’a at such exorbitant prices without objection or confiscation?!!



Martyr Jarallah Omar said:

“You cannot be an opponent and a coward.”

A phrase that I found important to bring up here



Sentenced to six years.

The sentence imposed on him was six years.

And they increased it by two years to become eight years

He is still in prison and they want to exchange him for prisoners of war.

They are not ashamed.

Like those oppressed who file their complaints? !!

Who will do justice to them or ask about them? !!

Who lifts injustice off their shoulders..? !!

Who will punish those who wronged them? !!

Unfortunately, no one is on this covenant



They did not try to fix the electricity in Hodeidah.

The power outage in Hodeidah is a suffering for the citizens!!

Why do you torture citizens in Hodeidah? !!

They are not

Corrupt? !!

The Hodeidah Emergency Law was issued, and the intent and idea of it was to confront the power cuts in Hodeidah, or this was at the forefront of its goals, so it became an emergency fund for Sanaa, Saada and others..!!

They wanted to correct the allocation of the fund to meet the emergency and power outages in Hodeidah. So they returned the draft law to amend the law from the Sana’a presidency to the House of Representatives, and they wanted the Hodeidah Fund to be for all governorates, or for neighboring countries, as Yahya al-Ra’i said.

The torture of citizens continues without mercy or review.

Those who are in cold weather torment those who are in very hot weather.



For the first time, I feel a split

Between the Ansar and the Conference

In the Sana’a House of Representatives



The withdrawal of the head of the conference bloc

Azzam Salah

From today’s session



Yahya Al-Rahi today for the government:

“May God not give you good, our government.”


Yahya Al-Rahi:

France banned headscarves for women

God gave them the Corona virus

Now they wear the niqab, both men and women


We want judges like this.

“In a judicial precedent, the President of the Criminal Court in Dhamar Governorate, Judge Yasser Al-Amdi, fined the Public Prosecution one million five hundred thousand riyals; The plaintiff claimed more than five million riyals in favor of four defendants after they were acquitted and rehabilitated after they spent eight months in prison.

Moreover, the Public Prosecution was ordered to pay ten thousand riyals to each defendant for each day if it delays their release.



Fattah died for eggs.

strange as the sun

Comrades fighting among themselves, yes, but that’s a lie.


When will it be

Abolition of the death penalty?!

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صفحة أحمد سيف حاشد على تويتر 2

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صفحة أحمد سيف حاشد على الفيسبوك

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