
(5) Racial and political bias towards some names.. Ahmed Seif Hashed Hashem

My memoirs.. from the details of my life


Racial and political prejudice about some names

Ahmed Seif Hashed Hashem

I grew up and grew up without feeling that my name was a burden on my shoulders.. I had no problem with my fourth name.. I did not find anything about it that made it a point of controversy or consideration.. In Aden and for a long time I analyzed and stayed in it. I never felt that my name was a burden or an obstacle to me. Getting my rights or harming them in any case… Everything was going fine.


In Aden, most likely in the 1970s, the names of the six governorates that make up the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen were canceled and replaced with numbers.. Aden the first governorate, Lahj the second, Abyan the third, Shabwa the fourth, Hadramawt the fifth, and Al-Mahra the sixth, and it was forbidden to attribute the names to regions or tribes. A step or steps were taken in the right direction.


The titles of al-Jawfi, al-Husni, al-Mahri and other titles of senior leaders of the country were abolished. However, due to the political conflict in the first half of the eighties, the situation turned, and the regional incitement and mobilization took place in a crude and aggressive manner, and then she was baptized with blood and tears..


In this terrifying war in which we are living, most of the de-facto authorities here and there are dealing with names as political, sectarian, regional, tribal and regional affiliations that sometimes cost a heavy cost to their owners..maybe because of them it will cost you some hardship in your life, or it will extend and target your freedom or your life itself.. It is possible that you lose many things because of her, and you may lose all things because of your suspicious name.


Some names have become a burden on their owners, so if they bring you luck, abundance and facilitation, in another region they may mean a threat and loss.. In war and in this most brutal and destructive era, our names have become a burden on us and perhaps a potential threat to our lives, in a tribal, regional and racist reality that tracks Names, and searches for her breath, even if she is without breath.


When I came to Sanaa from Aden in 1990, after the union, my name was Ahmed Seif Hashid Hashem. This was my name in my cards and all the documents that I brought with me from A to Z.. They all tell this name and nothing else.. There is no change in it or alteration..


In 1990, when I came to Sana’a, there was no confusion or dust in my name. Then, the name “Hashid” was changed to “Commander” in the statements of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Defense, and I underwent a rigorous review that lasted for months; To retrieve the name of my grandfather Hashed in the monthly salary statement, while my cousin Abdo Farid Hashid, the advisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in one of his transactions, replaced the name of Hashid with “Hamed” until he was also able to retrieve the name of his grandfather after a review..


I did not misjudge what happened that day, and I did not attribute it to a misunderstanding or corruption, but in one of my subsequent discussions with one of my managers who belonged to Hajjah, I felt a great deal that the name of my grandfather was a crowd, and at that time the tribe’s crowd had more prestige and social status than others..


Today, under the de facto authority in Sana’a, I confiscated from both of us the name of our grandfather “Hashem”.


When the era of “Facebook” began, I was not good at using it at first.. Facebook accounts were opened in our names without our knowledge.. Some malicious people were impersonating us and wearing our names..


I asked my friend and one of my assistants, Sadeq Ghanem, to open a “Facebook” account for me in my name, as I was at that time unable to open an account for me in it.


Sadiq Ghanem opened an account for me in the name of Ahmed Hashed Hashem, and he told me that Elvis refused to accept Saif’s name because there were other accounts that matched my name, so he replaced Ahmed Saif Hashem’s name with Ahmed Hashed Hashem, which was available at that time.


This name Hashem is the name of my second grandfather, and it is a real name, and it is not used or an intruder on my four-year name, and I dealt with the name Ahmed Hashed Hashem on social media, without politicizing or searching for lineage affiliation, or political orientation, but I never thought about something like this at all. Even as a matter of possibility.. I did not think or know about the gain or burden and consequences of this name, and my friend also did not think of this..


I did not know that Hashem, which is some of my four names, would be used for abuse, and I would be accused of using the name “Hashem” for opportunistic, political or social purposes.


The activists of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform Party used the name Hashem to abuse me extensively and extensively.. They launched a fierce campaign against this name, specifically after the “Yemen to Where” conference in 2012, which was held in Beirut.. “Al-Nas” and “Al-Ahali” newspapers devoted articles Several and a victim of my own personal and because of the name “Hashem” .. They accused me of their backwardness and handicap..


Despite my honest clarification, which I published in the newspaper “Al-Mustaqala” at the time, the intensity of pumping, especially in social media, was overshadowing the truth, and I found myself getting more clarified, like someone plowing in the sea.


Today and in this war I am still paying the price of a name that I did not choose, but simply our grandparents did not know that a backward and foolish era would come in which we would pay the price of the names that our great-grandfathers chose for their children..


Our great-grandfathers were simple and did not know that we would come upon days engulfed in ignorance and revolting fanaticism.. It had not occurred to them that things would take this direction, and this degree of decline and decadence that we have reached today.. They did not know that names like Hashid and Hashem would become a crime or a sin. On their children and grandchildren.. they did not realize that we would seek help from the 1400-year conflict, and recall its painful memories, and even salute it with ecstasy and revenge, and revive its reign with diligence and determination.


At the end of December 2016, I went with colleagues in the General Amnesty Subcommittee for the people of Lahj Governorate from Sana’a to Taiz, and our destination was to the prisons of Al-Saleh City in Taiz; This is to implement the decision within the limits of competence, and it was the first time he went to Taiz since the beginning of the war.


The strange thing is that the Sana’a authority during the war changed the name of the Al-Saleh Mosque to the People’s Mosque, and the Al-Saleh Foundation to the People’s Foundation, but it did not change the name of the city of Al-Saleh in which they were created or transformed some of them into prisons, distributing the many detainees in it.. Its name was not changed to “The People’s Prison.” Similar to the People’s Mosque or the People’s Institution, but they kept its name and added the name “Prison” to it, so that it became “Prison of the City of Al-Saleh”!


On that trip, I saw dozens of military points along the Sana’a-Taiz road, and I did not see the flag of the Republic except for one flag in one point after being transferred to arms. Rather, it is the remnants of a torn, worn out and eroded flag that embodies the situation as it is in reality without falsehood or frills, while the group’s flag was in Each military point declares its sovereignty and victory.


Some military points When they asked me about my identity, I used to show my membership card for the House of Representatives, and my name was fixed on it “Ahmed Seif Hashed Hashem.” I sometimes noticed those who read the confusion of those who asked for it, and then some of them commented with a question: How is Hashed and Hashem?! Some of them used to follow: Hashid and Hashem don’t ride!! Some of them ask me: Where did Hashem come from?!


All my documents and qualifications, including my military ID, tell my full name, but my passport was proven and the name “Hashem” changed in the name of my region without my will and will. Actually my name is quad.


Nowadays, more than a year has passed, and I am approaching the deadline. I want to register my job number in the civil service, and I do not want to pass on my children the troubles regarding rights that belong to them after my departure in this exaggerated or disobedient covenant, even for the names and definitions.


A whole year of follow-up and I was not able to recover my fourfold name.. They bit off more than a fifth of my name with arrogance, nervousness and extravagance of stubbornness.. How many years do I need for Sanaa’s security and intelligence to prove to them my firm name in my confirmed and Muslim documents, a copy of it through the personal status representative and more than once? !. How long does it take for them to accept my name as it is..?! What is my fault that the name “Hashid” comes to “Hashem”? Why do they put the name “Hashem” on me, and I do not consider it more than a complementary name to my fourfold name?!


It is some of my real name that may not be excluded, changed or replaced.. I have neither claimed nor disputed with it in a king or state.. I have always called for equality, citizenship and justice since my early youth until today, and I have never deviated from it even an iota.. I only want to confirm the truth My name and identity that their knots rooted in their consciousness want to confiscate from me.. I want a card that proves my identity with a name that matches all my qualifications and documents and with the truth before it.. I do not and will never call for any stinking fanaticism.. I am a human being who has never given up my humanity.. my motto It is my humanity first.


It is a tragedy of awareness and history that we find ourselves paying a price in our lives for what was not thought… Today, we live in the era of fools, exuding mediocrity and misery, and distorted and bloody awareness… An era in which names and titles bring their owners suffering, and may reach the point of confiscating the future of their owners, or Cutting off life and pension from them, and perhaps taking away life.


My name is scrutinized and the intelligence services prevent it from me… What is this nonsense and a mind burdened with unbearable nervousness… Where did I come up with another name for them?! My name is Ahmed Seif Hashed Hashem.. I have no problem with the names.. This is my real name since birth and it will remain so even after departure, and I think it is imminent.. They insist on expending what I have left of my life in continuing to recover my fourfold name that they confiscated, or they want to confiscate it. I stayed alive, then dead, and forever if that was possible..


I posted a comment on this suffering by saying: I want to take away from them my right to my name before they kill me..!! Do they even want revenge on our children for their rights after we die.. how terrifying, spiteful and young they are.. how small are they..!!


The tragedy of our names goes on and reminds me of what the satirist Syrian writer Muhammad al-Maghut wrote:

“I will have a child, whom I will call Adam, because names in our time are an accusation.”


I am Ahmed Seif Hashim Hashem, the son of a human leather tanner.. The funny thing is that one of the companions of a senior official told me that his nickname was “Abu Hashem” and when he read in the details of my life that I am the son of “Al-Dabbagh” he changed his name to Abu Ali.. I respect all professions and all people who eat From their toil and sweat of their brow, and I even consider them great greats.. I have no contracts or positions of detraction towards any free and honorable human being..


And if we have an argument or criticism in the names, they are those whose names rage with their essence and contents.. those names that contradict the orientations and reality of their shady and deceptive names for people and the people, such as the names of the “Reform” party and “Ansar Allah” that brought us and the homeland destiny from hell. They made us charcoal and barbecue.. They crucified us on the walls of hunger.. They poisoned us with grievance and torment.. Suffering that continues and does not end with the end of what is left of our life, and even the life of our children and grandchildren..


Photo by my grandfather Hashem

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