
(6) A new epistemological shift in favor of the mind, Ahmed Seif Hashed

My memoirs.. from the details of my life


A new epistemological shift in favor of the mind

Ahmed Seif Hashed

In high school, I used to read and meditate as I roamed the desert in the afternoons of the days of the week of my choosing, distributing directions and arms every day as a direction in it, and sometimes I meant a destination in the direction at a certain angle in the desert with a wide extension, and then came back without necessarily taking the same road..


I go into the depths of the desert as far as I can, as if I am searching in it for a new world, considering the time of return and sunset, so that no darkness descends before I return to my dwelling in the inner section..


I felt as if I was the first person to wander in that neglected or seemingly virgin desert, and there was no great trace of human labor in it, over a large area.. It seemed as if I was the first traveler to walk on its..


Just as I used to let out my loud voice in the desert, I was also unleashing my questioning mind, and in the face of doubt I would open the door wide.. The questioning bewilderment occupied much of my thinking..


The contradiction was raging between the perceptions on which I was raised, and what I learned in Islamic education on the one hand, and what I learned in geography, biology, philosophy and the rest of the sciences..The questions stimulated my mind and awareness, which is still young and lacking in knowledge..I eagerly look forward to knowing everything possible and new..


I learned through the accumulation of my knowledge that submission does not create awareness or knowledge, but rather creates backwardness, lethargy and dullness… Controversy, contradiction, and the search for an answer to the questions that burn in awareness – even the simple ones – are the ones that create knowledge and add to it, and retreat with what stuck in the mind of Ignorance, false awareness and misunderstanding of things and phenomena..


Doubtful questions opened my mind to more knowledge, including some of those unanswerable questions, which my mother used to get angry at during my innocent and questioning childhood..


I was contemplating the desert and going deeper into it despite its displacement and the blowing of wind and hot sand.. I used to ask myself: Was this desert like this since I found the earth or God’s simple creation?!


I would stop on pieces of small stones that were alien to me, and they were black, lightweight stones that were rounded or whose outer walls were filled with many voids, and they were not homogeneous with the desert and its nature, and it was clear that they came from a place and a medium completely different from it, and most of them were the size of a fist or slightly larger than them, and I ask myself : Were these pieces ever celestial bodies or asteroids swimming in space?! Are these some of the meteors and meteors with which God casts demons?!


And as soon as I saw the various snails in the desert, I would ask: Was the sea covering all this land?! When did the sea rise here, or was the sea here and then recede?! Were snails a step in the evolution of this life?!


I liked the Palestinian biology professor who is tall, with white skin and who is politically affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, as he explains Darwin’s theory of evolution. With evidence and proofs, or that science supported some of them and seemed to be on a certain degree or on some level in the ladder of truth..


What I had heard from a biology professor, I had never heard anything like him before.. It was a remarkable and interesting talk. He talks about the scale of evolution and evolution and many details.. I found some common points or approaches about the origin of man between the theory of evolution and evolution by Darwin, and some of what he mentioned. Engels in his book The Origin of the Family..


Perhaps I felt the logic of the theory or most of it, and in the worst case it is not devoid of true and useful.. I enjoyed the way it was presented, and some of the supports for some of its aspects, which may have shaken some of my convictions and caused many doubts, or cracked some of my well-established and rooted in my consciousness, as well as being Looking for broad prospects..


I was impressed with the subject of philosophy, its tan-leaning Palestinian teacher, who is also affiliated with the Popular Front, and the philosophical question raised, “Does man have a choice or a path”, which for the first time I hear about it, and it has always stimulated my mind and revealed the fragility of my postulates as I felt through it the thresholds and doors of knowledge..


I learned from philosophy the importance of controversy, the collision and cross-fertilization of ideas and theories, their combinations, their historical development, and the process of knowledge in general.. I became aware of the importance of questions and doubts about postulates in favor of truth and knowledge.. I realized my delusion and many of the Muslim women who used to occupy my mind during the past years of my life..


I liked the science and social subjects in general, and I felt that they shape my awareness and make a difference in my school and general knowledge.. I used to ask my mind many questions that lead to new knowledge or brighter knowledge in the face of ignorance.. Many things have changed in my young mind than I thought and believed. I felt that it was adding something new to me that I was not familiar with and did not know before.


In the third grade of secondary school, the distance between me and what I thought began to shift in favor of doubt or some of it.. I brought up those questions that I used to ask when I was young spontaneously, spontaneously and innocence.. New convictions began to form, which are more logical and reasonable convictions and some of them are supported by evidence.. I felt that new concepts were taking shape. It forms in my mind far from sentiment and emotion in favor of reason, more doubt and a lot of questions and questions..


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