
(15) Find a place to sleep! Ahmed Seif Hashed

My memoirs.. from the details of my life


Find a place to sleep!

Ahmed Seif Hashed

I jumped over the house and ran away to a not far place.. I crept into a small cemetery as wide as the “Ijt al-Jyf” mountain. I felt lonely, anxious and afraid.. It was impossible for me to sleep here, and the dawn was still far away.. An unsafe place from the surprises that might hide or languish. wait..


I was afraid that the dead would come out of their graves.. I don’t know one of them, and they also don’t know me.. Maybe there is a strangeness between us and an isthmus that prevents us from harmony and harmony.. I don’t want to hear the torment of the dead while they suffer.. I can’t stand hearing denial and naker.. I imagine them terrifying and they are They ask the dead in their graves and flog them with whips of burning red fire.. I expected them to come down from the sky after midnight to take account and punishment.. It terrifies me to see a man or a woman forced to pray on top of a rock from hell.. I cannot bear to hear the sound of wailing and pain.. I have heard tales There is a lot about the life of the dead in the graves, and I can only believe it because I have not heard anyone denying it or questioning its credibility.


I have to leave this scary place.. It is important to sleep in a place less terrifying and fearful.. I want a safer place also from rams and hyenas.. I should not be far from people’s homes.. If a “thief” or a predatory hyena comes upon me, I find someone He rushes to my rescue, or I hurry for help to a nearby house.. I have heard many times about old men who were eaten by “the predator” or devoured by hyenas, and only remnants of bones and limbs remained of them.


I took refuge in a place close to the house of a good person crushed by poverty, his name is Thabet Saleh.. He toiled from morning to evening on a cheap rent.. plowing the land for people and carrying heavy stones on his back all day long.. He builds people’s houses, while his house is very humble, but his heart was He is greater than the palace of a king, and his morals are great, greater than the owners of all palaces.


Thabet Saleh heard my steps in the mountain, and the night in our countryside had a call to prayer.. He heard pebbles and stones falling because of climbing some walls and mountain bulges.. He was sure that something was going on.. He turned the light towards the voice and started calling from there?! Repeat it two or three times..I am more certain that there is something that needs attention..


He seemed to me brave and he did not stop calling, but went up to the place I was in to find out and reveal the matter.. He found me and recognized me and insisted that I go down to stay with his family.. I went down with him.. His wife welcomed me and she was my mother’s friend.. She did not believe that I was the one whose husband found him in the mountain..


She welcomed me with a loving mother.. She honored me and made me feel that I had a second mother and a loving father who is her husband.. She asked me what happened and why was all that screaming that they heard in our house?!


I told her what happened.. Her eyes filled with tears and ran down her prominent cheeks.. Her tears revealed the wicked wickedness of the lamp between us.. I felt overwhelming affection for them and a great love I am looking for..


In the morning, Thabet Saleh’s wife conveyed the news secretly and discreetly to my sick mother because of what happened to her from me and my father, and I reassured her with certainty, and after two days I returned home after negotiations with my father, perhaps it seemed difficult, but it was well..


I went back to our home and my father was complaining to my brother Ali Seif Hashid, who was traveling when I was shot from the gun in our home office.. I heard my father saying to him: “Look at your brother, what am I doing!!” .. He was showing him the bullet-ridden walls of the diwan, and what happened to them From harm..and from that day my brother took me to his house in the same village with my aunt, my father’s second wife, who showered me with her tenderness and overwhelming kindness..



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